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只想與你一起嬉鬧的萌系男孩 / 超人氣校草-Adam 好感度爆棚 臉上總是掛著滿滿的笑容 假裝正經的樣子始終藏不住愛笑的表情 Adam一一卸下平日的武裝 午睡後大男孩的邪惡秘密忍不住膨脹了起來 傳說中可愛又迷人的反派角色 是男人還是男孩你能幫忙鑑定嗎? 本次企劃以舒服、乾淨、俏皮的元素打造絕無僅有的男孩氛圍! 希望你們也會喜歡這樣真實的Adam There is always a smile on his face. He tried to pretend to be serious but he couldn't hide his smile. Adam took off his clothes slowly. After a nap, the big boy’s evil secret swelled up. It is a cute and charming villain in the legend. Can you help identify whether he is a man or a boy? This project creates a unique boy atmosphere with comfortable, clean and playful elements! Hope you will also like this real Adam. 正版授權。官方認證official authorization公式認証เวอร์ชั่นของแท้ที่ได้รับรองอย่างเป็นทางการ


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Mature content

This page may contain contents not appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at publicSex, violence and blood, general mature content